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About the Festival

Ficifolia 2021


The Drouin Ficifolia Festival has completed its 33rd Year and we are now planning for 2022.


There have been changes over the years as Drouin has grown and bushfires and weather have made their mark. 


Arguably 2021 was the most challenging year for the festival with the COVID-19 pandemic raging around the world and Victoria still on its exit from the 100+ day lockdown in 2020. 


In order to make Ficifolia 2021 viable we moved location to the Drouin Football Oval so that we could control access to the event and with just over a week to go everything was looking good; the parade was setup, COVID plan approved, hand sanitizer machines delivered thanks to the Council what else could go wrong?


A snap lock down was announced on the 12th February 2020, 1 week before the Festival.




We waited for the review on the 17th February 2020 and thank fully the lock down was lifted and it was full speed ahead for the Festival. 


To meet out COVID plan we had to use QR Code check-in, issue free tickets for the moving for contact tracing and had more bottles of hand sanitizer than you could shake a stick at; but with enormous effort from all the volunteers, sponsors, stall holders, Council and most importantly Drouin Football Club, the Festival went ahead!


It was a great day and even the rain held off, thanks to everyone who helped and came and we look forward to seeing you next year!


Click here to check out the Pictures from the 2021 Festival.



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